- by Prasada Rao Vaddarapu
For mitigating the adverse impact of climate change and global warming, regular and quick afforestration at minimum expenditure is very much required . To meet this demand, an innovative technique of raising Trees Banks was developed to create Green Belts overnight.
With this concept one can raise the trees of minimum 12 feet height with a minimum girth of 20 centimeters, within a plant container of size of 70cm x 77.5cm, in two years. By planting these trees, we can create green belts over night at very economical cost.
Tree Bank :
It is a place, where trees of minimum Color girth of 20 CM and minimum height of 12 feet are readily available to supply and transport for taking up of plantation to create greenery overnight.
This concept was conceived through the root spread analysis of an well established naturally grown Mahagany tree of 15 feet height and 22 cm collor girth which can withstand against the strong wind pressure and its foliage is above the browsing height. Interestingly it was found that, its taproot is grown to a depth of 45 cm from the surface of soil and its majority of fibrous roots are spread within the radius of 25 cm horizontally, occupying about 4 cft soil.
Methodology is standardized and give in detail in the attached report.
With this concept, we are able to successfully generate trees with an average height of 12 feet and girth of 18-20 cm within the large size poly bags at very economical cost within 2 years.
Photos are give in the attached report. For comparision -
Plantation method: traditional method using fabricated iron plant guard.
Establishment cost: Rs.1400.00 per plant.
Plantation method: Tree bank method.
Establishment cost: Rs.350.00 per tree.
Cost break up :
a) Rs.123.00 for material cost on poly bags, manures and fertilizers, oil cakes, bamboo for propping etc.
b) Rs.127 .00 to labor for nursery plantation, irrigation application, fertilizer application, pruning, training, weeding etc.
c) Rs.100 for Cost of loading of tree, transportation, unloading, pit digging, planting etc.
Prasada Rao Vaddarapu, IFS, Managing Director, Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation; Deputy Conservator of Forests, Forests Research Division, Forest Department, Govt. of Tripura. (The project was shortlisted for the Prime Minister's award)